We all woke up early today to massed choirs of birdsong and a beautiful red African sunrise. We waved Mary of in a taxi on her way to the airport for her flight to Kigali then on on to Nairobi. Then a leisurely breakfast Ian Rob and Peter set off for Rwanda aid office we met our old friends Patrick and Jonas there and we were introduced to some new people from Sussex originally doing a year there. Then on to the water company to meet the head chemist. Rwanda Aid are thinking of doing a project on Nkombo with Aquafilters. They need to know the possible dangerous salts in the lake as it is quite close to the Congo border which is a general dumping ground for anything and everything.
In the end we decided the results they could produce locally were inadequate for Robs needs, so the chemist was sent on a mission to Kigali to the national laboratory. This needed a lot of negotiations over sufficient amafranga to finance the trip .
Then we got a lift from Theo the driver for the diocese back to the guest house, soup and toasted sandwich then we had the most enormous thunderstorm which broke through the thatch above our bedroom so we had a little rivulet under the bed and out into the living area. So this was mopped and it soon dries. Then taxi up to the clinic to do some training with the nurses with Peter translating.
Walked down the hill all that amazing rain had dried and vanished in the hot sun.
After African tea our guests Bertha and Ephraim arrived complete with two children aged three and 13 months on a motorbike; health and safety reigns in Rwanda! Kenneth and his wife arrived and we had another convivial evening.
Mary with her Rwandan children and grandchildren
Sunset over lake
Tree after the storm