Saturday, 22 February 2014

Umuganga distributing the filters

Early breakfast getting ready to take filters to be distributed.
Umuganga is a typically Rwandan affair which happens every last Saturday morning of the month. Every Rwandan gathers in their community to work together on a community project  which will benefit them all. So we were all invited to participate in shovelling in potholes from lorryloads of earth which had been deposited. After this had all been completed everybody gathered for a community meeting with messages being given from the government lots of pep talks and cheers for the president. A lot was said about good hygiene . Then John Gakwande introduced us all Rob did his little presentation of the Aquafilter project Charles and John both gave a little sermonette. Then the filters were distributed this was a little disorgnised at first as everyone rushed forward keen to get one so they had to be re-organised and a representative filter  given to six people who had already been trained from each division of the project. The others to be given later. We returned with John as we pased the airport we happened to see Wim Schoonbee medical director of Gahene Hospital sitting in a bus stop opposite the airport so we picked him up together with another missionary doctor who was going to Solace. At that moment Jonathan and Mary who had come on the same plane from the CMS conference in Nairobi passed us waving frantically. So we all met up at Solace happy reunions then Pater and Jonas arrived so Rob went off with them to look at Peters house while the rest of us went and had a quiet lunch at the Umubamo hotel.

Rob shovelling soil with new found friend

Ian happy with a shovel

Executive secretary introducing filters to the community

Rob and Peter demonstrating Aquafilter

There was a lovely wedding at Solace in the afternoon. Weddings in Rwanda are massive affairs the ladies gate crashed for a while there was about 400 people

Later in the afternoon Jan and Mary took Mary Ogalo our friend from Kenya on a sight seeing trip with Sam the taxi man. Rob went off with Jonas and Peter to Nyamata to visit Jonas's uncle and see Peter's house which was being constructed however the government have put a stop on the building until some final papers are obtained.
Finally to Charles and Juliet's house for a wonderful Rwandan meal and fellowship. Enjoying fresh vegetables from their garden a wonderful way to finish our time in Kigali before travelling to Kamembe for a fresh set of adventures next week.

1 comment:

  1. I can see you are having a great time serving there. I have missed this adventure this time round.
    Praying for you that everything goes well continually.
